Admin Site

The Admin site contains the features you need to customize your SLIM-Collaborate site and control access to sensitive project data and files. Typically, access to this site is limited to one or more Site Administrators assigned by your organization.

Since your designated Site Administrator(s) will determine and maintain sitewide settings that support estimation, historical data collection and analysis, and portfolio management, careful thought should go into the selection and training of whoever takes on this critical role. Using the Admin site, Site Administrators can perform the following tasks:


      View and update License Information.

      Customize your site’s appearance, contact information, and global default values.

      Define and maintain an OBS, or Organizational Breakdown Structure (a hierarchical list of business units or divisions within the organization). Once this list has been created, the site admin can use it to assign users and grant (or withhold) block access to project records.

      Create and configure individual user profiles, roles, and permissions.

      Customize available selection values for commonly used data fields.

      Configure authentication (LDAP, Active Directory, SAML, or custom) settings used to validate site users.

      Create external calls that integrate SLIM-Collaborate with other applications.

      Configure SLIM on the Server, an optional integration with SLIM-Estimate used to generate detailed effort, cost, and staffing breakouts by skill.