External Calls

SLIM-Collaborate can interact with external applications via External Calls configured by the site administrator. External calls consist of the URL to an external application, combined with a set of optional parameters

External Calls can serve multiple purposes.  Some might be tied to specific solution workflow stages, while others may have nothing to do with a project’s current workflow status. To illustrate, one use case might integrate SLIM-Collaborate with an existing enterprise workflow.  For example, when the current solution for an estimation project is officially approved (the solution status changes from ‘Reviewed’ to ‘Approved’), a SLIM-Collaborate user with sufficient permissions could manually launch an external call using the project toolbar to push detailed cost, effort, or staffing estimates by role to an external PPM tool. External calls can also be used to provide easy access to internal process documentation or other resources.  For example, a user might use an external call to launch their group’s Estimation Quick Reference Guide to access standardized best practices and strategies for creating a software size estimate.   Once the size estimate is completed, the solution status could be changed to trigger management review of the new size estimate and revised solution.

Though this section describes the basic interface for setting up External Calls, it is essential for site administrators to work directly with QSM when initially setting up external programs to interface with SLIM-Collaborate.  This guide provides a summary-level description of the external call functionality. It is intended to support decisions about whether to implement External Calls in SLIM-Collaborate. Additional guidance will be provided by QSM as needed.