Activating or Deactivating Users

If a user leaves the enterprise or moves to a different position and no longer uses SLIM-Collaborate, you can deactivate his or her user profile to free up a license and prevent unauthorized or inappropriate access to site data and functions.

User profiles can be activated or deactivated by selecting Browse Users from the Admin site menu.  If the Show Deactivated Users checkbox at the top of the page is checked, both active and deactivated users will show up on the Browse Enterprise Users grid.


Description: Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated


To deactivate a user, click the Deactivate button in the Activation column for the user or highlight the record you wish to deactivate, then click the Deactivate Highlighted Items button. A message will confirm that the user account has been deactivated. You can also edit the individual user record by clicking the link in the Name column. When the Edit User Profile page appears, use the Deactivate User Profile button to deactivate the user’s account.

You can reactivate the user account at any time by simply clicking the Activate button in the Activation column.