Activating or Updating the Site License

To activate a new SLIM-Collaborate site or update an existing license, save your License.dat file (generally attached to your SLIM-Collaborate license email) to the computer you are working from, then log in to the Admin site. If you are licensing a new site, temporary Admin credentials will be provided in your license email.  Otherwise, use the normal Site Admin credentials for your site.

When licensing a new site, you will be redirected to the License page automatically.  If you are renewing the site license, select License from the Admin site menu to bring up the License page. Use the Select License File button to browse to, select, and upload your License.dat file. 

Once you have performed this step, you can review the license terms or license agreement at any time by selecting License from the Admin site menu. If you have questions about your SLIM-Collaborate license, contact your QSM Account Manager using the contact information in your license email. If you cannot locate your license email and/or license file, please contact QSM Support or call our toll free line (800 424-6755) for assistance.