Customizing Lookup Tables

Lookup tables allow you to customize the items available for selection in drop-down list or combo box fields within SLIM-Collaborate. The choices you make here will be available to all services licensed by your organization.  Options available for customization will depend on the lookup table selected. To illustrate the available options, select Lookup Tables… | Function Units from the Admin site menu to bring up the Edit Function Units page.



The Edit Function Units page is just one of many lookup table pages in SLIM-Collaborate, but it contains most of the options you will encounter while customizing other lookup tables. A description of the lookup field you are customizing (in this case, Function Units) can be shown or hidden by clicking the link under the page title. On the Function Units lookup page, for example, the link text reads, “What are function units?”

Columns in the lookup table grid show the options available for the lookup table you are editing.