Managing Associated Workbooks

When an estimation project or template is uploaded to SLIM-Collaborate, a copy of the SLIM-Estimate workbook it came from is automatically uploaded as well. During the upload process, a link is created between your new project or Template and its “associated” workbook. 

This link serves an important purpose when a project is exported to (or used for Round Trip data exchange with) SLIM-Estimate.  The associated workbook supplies data and settings that are present in SLIM-Estimate but have no equivalent in SLIM-Collaborate. During export or checkout, data unique to SLIM-Estimate is merged with data present in SLIM-Collaborate to create a complete SLIM-Estimate (.sew) workbook.

When an estimation project is exported or checked out for Round Trip data exchange with SLIM-Estimate, data from the SLIM-Collaborate project is combined with data elements stored in the associated workbook to create a complete, downloadable .sew file that can be opened and edited in SLIM-Estimate without losing important information.  For example, the Primary Trend Group, Phase Tuning, Milestones, and current solution assumptions from the Collaborate project record will be copied to the new SLIM-Estimate workbook created during checkout or export. Data elements provided by associated workbooks include:

      Multiple Sizing Techniques

      PI Calculator Adjustment Factors

      Skill Categories and associated labor rates

      Skill Allocation Settings

      Milestone Time Slice Designations

      Views, Charts, and Reports

Once a checked-out workbook has been edited in SLIM-Estimate and checked back in, the Collaborate project record is updated to reflect any changes made in SLIM-Estimate.  If the Phase, Reliability, Milestone, or Sizing data have changed (and do not match any of the configuration sets already in SLIM-Collaborate), new project-specific config sets will be created and linked to the project to preserve the changes you made in SLIM-Estimate. For more information on this topic, see Public vs. Project Specific Configuration Sets. For more on Round Trip, see the Advanced Estimation Using Round Trip section of this user guide. 

For more information on settings see the Creating and Exporting a SLIM-Estimate Workbook.