Configuration Sets

Configuration sets are logically related groups of project settings that make it easier to create new projects and templates in SLIM-Collaborate. Once imported, configuration sets can be applied to multiple projects or templates.  This ability to mix and match groups of logically related settings makes it easy to create new templates and projects without time-consuming configuration and editing. There are four types of configuration sets:


      Phase Configuration Sets. Contain phase duration, effort, and overlap tuning settings. Phase names and acronyms are set at the global/site level by Admin Services and cannot be edited at the project level. 

      Milestone Configuration Sets. Contain milestone names, IDs, acronyms, descriptions, associated phases, and planned dates (expressed as percentages of the associated phase duration). Milestone settings do not affect a project’s overall project schedule, effort, or reliability values. These settings are only used to create milestone reports.

      Sizing Configuration Sets. Contain sizing component names and the function units per component from the Sizing by Decomposition techniques in an imported SLIM-Estimate project or template.  After associating a sizing config set with a project, estimators can edit or enter estimated component counts and gearing factors (function units per component).

      Reliability Configuration Sets. Contain defect category names, category status (active/inactive), and percentages of total defects.  Operational Runtime and Defect Tuning data are maintained on a per-project basis in the project settings.


Configuration sets are created in one of two ways:


      By importing a template or project. When a template or SLIM-Suite project is uploaded to SLIM-Collaborate, the list of existing configuration sets is compared to the settings in the uploaded file. If it contains unique settings not already present in Collaborate, one or more configuration sets are created to preserve those settings and make them available to other projects.

      Direct import from a SLIM-Estimate workbook. Config sets can be imported directly from a SLIM-Estimate (.sew) workbook via the Import Configuration Sets button on the Configuration Set Management page.  This option allows you to import one or more config sets without importing the entire project or creating a template.