Configuration Set Management Page

To see a master list of the configuration sets in your SLIM-Collaborate site, select Back Office | Configuration Set Management from the menu.  The configuration set type (Phase, Reliability, Milestone, or Sizing) and the number of projects currently using each configuration set are displayed in the list. Use the group and filter options to make it easier to find sets you wish to edit or delete.  In the example below, the config sets have been grouped by Type, making it easy to collapse the types you don’t want to see and focus on the Sizing config sets in the list.


 Description: Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated


Information and functions for each config set are displayed in the following columns:


      ID. (displays the ID for each configuration set).

      Type. Useful for grouping the list by type (Milestone, Phase, Sizing, or Reliability).

      Configuration Set. Displays the name of each configuration set.

      Description. This field can be used to document distinctive settings or updates to a config set.

      Used By…. Displays the number of projects or templates that use each config set. “In use” configuration sets cannot be deleted.

      Details. Click the eye icon to display config set details in a popup window. Config settings (apart from the name and description) cannot be edited directly in SLIM-Collaborate.

      Delete. Use the X icon to delete a configuration set. Note that config sets that are currently in use by one or more projects cannot be deleted, and no X icon will be displayed for these items.

      Edit. Use the pencil icon to edit the config set name and/or description.