Accessing the Contingency Dashboard


To access the Contingency Dashboard, you must create a new Estimation project or edit an existing one. On the main project page of the project you’re working with, the Contingency Dashboard link is located just to the left of the Current Solution Assumptions section.



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To access and use the Contingency dashboard, the Current Solution for the project you’re working with must be valid AND unlocked. 

      If the current solution is not valid, the Contingency Dashboard button will not be displayed.  Instead, you will see a pink banner that says, “The Current Solution is incomplete” and the dashboard will be blank.


      If the project is locked (generally, because it is currently checked out for Round Trip data exchange with SLIM-Estimate) the Contingency Dashboard button is visible and enabled, but you will not be able to use the uncertainty sliders to update and save the project.  The Update Solution button will be disabled, and a red icon will appear if you hover over the Update Solution button.

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For more information on valid solutions and locking/unlocking projects during Round Trip data exchange with SLIM-Estimate, see the following topics:

      Conditions for Check Out

      Checking Out a Project

      Project Locking

      Checking Projects In


When you open the Contingency Dashboard, the Current Solution is displayed on charts and reports in yellow.  There are two categories of chart types available for selection:

1.  Probability Charts show the range of probabilities for the major metrics associated with your current solution.  Depending on the metric chosen, these charts may show the range of input values (e.g., size and PI) or the range of outputs from the Monte Carlo simulation (e.g., duration, effort, cost, and MTTD).  Notice that your current solution will always show the expected value at the 50% mark.

2.  All other contingency charts can be configured to show the Current Solution and/or a single Contingency Solution, allowing you to apply and compare various Contingency profiles and compare these risk-buffered solutions with your Current Solution.


The selected contingency profile, displayed in grey shading, can be viewed or changed using the Contingency Profile drop-down on the chart settings dialog.



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SLIM-Collaborate supplies a range of preconfigured contingency profiles and public dashboard views to get you started. Over time, you will probably want to customize these views and save Private copies of them (private dashboard views are visible only to their creator).  Once you have done this, your customizations will be available for use any time you view the Contingency Dashboard.  Both public and private dashboard views (pages with charts and reports) are shared by multiple projects, but the uncertainty slider settings will always reflect the current solution of the project you are working with (if you have used the dashboard previously and saved the project).


For detailed guidance on using the dashboard, charts and reports, and contingency profiles, see the Contingency Dashboard Charts and Reports section of the Project and Portfolio Dashboards section of this user guide.