The Project Page Toolbar



Most of the real estate on the Project List page is taken up by the project list grid, but the project list toolbar provides easy access to various functions:


      Filter Selector control. This drop-down list control displays a list of previously saved Public and Private filters.  From this control, you can select a filter to display or clear the current filter. To apply a saved filter, simply select the desired one from the list to filter the projects displayed in the project list using the criteria saved with the filter. Convenient icons allow you to favorite/unfavorite a filter, delete filters, or edit filter names. For detailed instructions on using this control, see The Choose Filter Selector.

      Save Filter Icon. Click the save icon to save your current filter. See Saving Filters for detailed guidance on saving filters.

      Portfolio Dashboard Icon. Click this icon to display all projects in your filtered or unfiltered project list grid on Portfolio Dashboard charts and reports. See Opening Portfolio Dashboards for detailed guidance on using the portfolio dashboard.

      Export to Excel. Clicking this icon exports all information in the current project list grid to Microsoft Excel format for analysis outside SLIM-Collaborate. See Exporting Grids or Lists to CSV or Excel Format for detailed guidance on exporting your portfolio to Excel.