Prerequisites for Displaying Skills Data

Before a project can generate and display skills data, the following conditions must be met:


      (Server) SLIM-Estimate must be correctly installed on the server your SLIM-Collaborate site resides on.

      For QSM Hosted sites, all currently supported desktop versions are provided.

      Self-Hosted sites must install SLIM-Estimate using the instructions provided in the SLIM-Collaborate Self-Hosted Installation document.  Only one version of SLIM-Estimate can be installed on the SLIM-Collaborate server.  Because this option can affect the ability to generate skills, see SLIM on the Server Versioning for more information.

      (Admin Site) The Skills Charts and Reports checkbox on the Enterprise Settings page must be checked.  This step must be completed for both QSM hosted and self-hosted sites.

      (Self Hosted sites only) A valid path to the installed instance of SLIM must be provided.  For more information, see the SLIM on the Server instructions in the SLIM-Collaborate Self Hosted Install guide.

      (Main Site) The project you wish to display skills data for must:

      Be in the Estimation stage and have a valid current solution.

      Have an associated workbook with a valid skills configuration.

      Have the “Break out Skills” checkbox turned on (Edit Project | Project Settings tab). Note that this checkbox will not be visible if the Skills are turned off or improperly configured on the Admin site.  The hover tip for the skills checkbox contains helpful information about skills configuration for the project. The default state of this checkbox is set to “off” when creating new projects and templates.