SLIM on the Server Versioning  

Though any supported version of SLIM-Estimate can be installed on your self-hosted SLIM-Collaborate server, the version you choose should be compatible with the version of SLIM-Estimate in use by your organization and with your site’s Associated Workbooks.  Because QSM hosted sites offer all currently supported versions of SLIM on the Server, file versioning should not be an issue.

SLIM-Estimate desktop workbooks are forward, but not backward compatible (older version files can be upgraded and opened by a more recent version of SLIM-Estimate, but newer version files cannot be opened by previous versions of the desktop tools).  For this reason, when configuring a self-hosted site, you should choose the most recent supported version of SLIM-Estimate for your SLIM on the Server installation.


      SLIM 10.4 SLIM on the Server installations can open and generate skills for projects with SLIM-Estimate 10.4 or any earlier version associated workbooks.

      SLIM 10.3 SLIM on the Server installations can open and generate skills for projects with SLIM-Estimate 10.3 or any earlier version associated workbooks.

      SLIM 10.2 SLIM on the Server installations can generate skills for any project with a version 10.2 associated workbook.  Skills will NOT be available for projects with SLIM-Estimate 10.3 or higher associated workbooks.  If you attempt to turn on skills for a project with an associated workbook created in a later version of SLIM-Estimate than the one installed on your SLIM-Collaborate server, the skills checkbox will be grayed out and a hover tip will tell you why skills cannot be turned on for the project (the project’s associated workbook is a later version than your site’s SLIM on the Server version(s)).