Upgrading Both SLIM-Collaborate and the SLIM Desktop Suite


If you are upgrading both SLIM-Collaborate and the SLIM Desktop Suite and your new version of the SLIM Desktop Suite is compatible with the new version of SLIM-Collaborate, follow these steps:

      Step 1: Upgrade SLIM-Collaborate (documented separately).  Please contact QSM support for upgrade documentation or technical assistance. Once the SLIM-Collaborate upgrade is complete, make sure all users who will use the SLIM Desktop Suite with SLIM-Collaborate upgrade to the new desktop version.  SLIM desktop files are forward, but not backward compatible. This means that users of newer SLIM-Suite applications can open/upgrade older version workbooks. However, users of older SLIM-Suite versions will NOT be able to open workbooks created in newer versions of the desktop applications.  To prevent workbook compatibility conflicts, your desktop users should have the most recent desktop version. More detailed guidance on versioning is available here.


      Step 2: Update the Default Seed Workbook Version used by SLIM-Collaborate. In the upgraded SLIM-Collaborate administration application, select Customize… | Enterprise Settings from the Admin site menu.  Click the Default Seed Workbook Version dropdown and select the version of SLIM-Suite you have upgraded/are upgrading to.

[SLIM on the Server users only] If your previous version of Collaborate had SLIM on the Server enabled, you must upgrade the version of SLIM-Estimate installed on your web server. See the SLIM on the Server instructions for detailed guidance.


      Step 3: Upgrade Associated Workbooks. See this topic for detailed guidance on maintaining compatibility with older associated workbooks.