Step 3: Upgrade Associated Workbooks

The method used to perform this step will depend on whether SLIM on the Server functionality has been enabled for your site.

i.   If your site has SLIM on the Server enabled and the server’s SLIM-Estimate version has been upgraded, your Back Office administrator can select all templates on the Templates Management page with older associated workbooks and SLIM-Collaborate will upgrade them automatically:

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ii.   If your site does NOT have SLIM on the Server enabled.  If your site does not have SLIM on the Server enabled, you can download and upgrade each template’s associated workbook manually in SLIM-Estimate. On the main site, have a Back Office admin select Back Office | Template Management from the menu. Sorting the templates list by Name or Workbook Version will help you see which templates/associated workbooks need updating.  For each SLIM-Collaborate template with a non-compatible associated workbook, you should replace the template with a template that has been upgraded to your desired desktop version and saved. To do this:

  Record the settings for the template you will be updating. The easiest way to do this is to use Alt/PrtSc and paste an image of each template settings tab into PowerPoint or another electronic format.

  Use the Download arrow on the Templates Management page to download the associated workbook to your desktop (see instructions above).

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  Open the workbook in SLIM-Estimate.  Upgrade the workbook when prompted and save it.

  From the SLIM-Collaborate Template Management page, choose the “New Template…” button and import the upgraded workbook.  It will be added to the template list and will display the earliest point release (denoted by a letter: a, b, c, etc.) version of the major release (10.2, 10.3, 10.4) in the Associated Workbook column.

  Edit the new template using the Edit pencil icon on the Templates Management page.  Use the project settings images from the first step to restore any customizations of the original template that were made after it was originally imported, including changes to the template’s Access tab, and save the template.

  Once you’re certain the new template’s settings match the original, delete the original template from the Templates Management page list.

b)  Upgrading workbooks associated with previously created SLIM-Collaborate estimation projects.  This step is most easily performed by individual users when checking workbooks in/out of SLIM-Collaborate. To upgrade the workbook associated with a particular project, check out the project to download the workbook.  When you open the downloaded workbook in SLIM-Estimate, you will be prompted to upgrade the workbook if it is not already file compatible.  Upgrade and save the workbook, including any other changes you need to make.  When you check it back in, SLIM-Collaborate will keep a copy of the upgraded workbook and the next time it is checked out or exported, the new version will be used. 

NOTE: If a user views Skills charts on the Estimate Dashboard for a project and you upgraded the version of SLIM on the Server to your new desired version, the new version will be used to compute the skills data, but the associated workbook itself will not automatically be upgraded. This means that other users can still use the older version of SLIM-Estimate when they check it out.  The next time it is checked out and a user opens it with the new desired version, the user will still be prompted to upgrade it.  After the upgraded associated workbook is checked in, it will not need to be upgraded again.