SLIM-Suite Workbook Compatibility


Each release of SLIM-Collaborate supports specified versions of the SLIM Desktop Suite.  Supported desktop versions include the latest SLIM Desktop release available at the time your SLIM-Collaborate version was released, along with one or more previous versions.  


SLIM-Suite workbooks are forward, but not backward compatible.  This means that files created in earlier major releases (e.g., 8.2, 9.0, 10.0) of SLIM-Suite can be opened and upgraded using a more recent major release. But once a workbook is upgraded and saved, it is no longer compatible with prior versions of SLIM-Suite desktop applications.  The general rule to remember is that files created in/upgraded to a newer major release cannot be opened using a prior release of any SLIM-Suite tool.  Point releases (10.0a, 10.0b, 10.c) are inter-compatible – a workbook created in 10.0c can be opened in 10.0a, and vice versa because they are part of the same major release.