Project Dashboard Types

Closeout projects have just one type of project dashboard, which you will see upon opening any Closeout project record. Closeout dashboards support post-project benchmarking and analysis of the project’s final schedule, size, cost, quality, and productivity.

Projects in the Estimation stage have two types of project dashboards, each designed to serve a specific purpose:

      Estimation dashboards analyze the current, comparison, and logged solutions for a single project in the estimation stage. On Trend charts (only), you can also validate solutions against a relevant set of completed project records to ensure that the performance assumptions are consistent with your proven capability.

      Contingency dashboards allow you to compare the current solution with one or more preconfigured risk buffered solutions and select the one with the right amount of schedule and/or effort contingency.

To switch between Estimation and Contingency Dashboards, open a project in the estimation stage then use the Monitor icons located at the top right corner of the project page, just under the project toolbar. Resting your cursor briefly over each icon displays a hover tip with the dashboard type (Contingency or Estimation). The icon for the currently displayed dashboard type (in the example below, Estimation) will be greyed out:


 Description: Graphical user interface, chart

Description automatically generated


For more information on the individual charts and reports available for the three types of project dashboards, see the following help topics.

      Project Dashboard Charts and Reports

      Contingency Dashboard Charts and Reports

      Closeout Dashboard Charts and Reports