Project Dashboard Charts and Reports

Unlike portfolio dashboards, which typically display multiple projects, project dashboards display solutions from a single Estimation or Closeout project.  There are three types of project dashboards, each with its own set of charts and reports. For more information on what’s included with each dashboard, see the Available Charts/Reports (by Dashboard Type) section of this user guide.  Within each dashboard type, the data displayed will depend on individual chart and report settings:

      Estimation dashboard charts and reports can be configured to display the current, comparison, and/or logged solutions for a single Estimation project.

      Contingency dashboard charts and reports are designed to display the current solution from a single Estimation service project against one or more risk buffered Contingency solutions.

      Closeout dashboard charts and reports display final, actual performance data from a single Closeout (completed) project.  Performance data can be benchmarked against industry or internal trends, five-star ratings can be calculated and displayed, and the project’s actual duration, effort, productivity, defects, and quality at delivery (MTTD or mean time to defect) can be exported to other applications.


Project dashboard charts and reports can be converted to report format (Text checkbox), exported to PowerPoint, Excel (reports only), or PDF format for printing or electronic data exchange.  The selection of charts and reports available on each dashboard reflects the analysis tasks it was designed to facilitate.  The following topics describe each chart/report type in detail.