This scenario occurs when an organization upgrades to a
newer version of SLIM-Suite desktop tools without upgrading SLIM-Collaborate.
There are a few possible scenarios:
1. Upgrading from one currently supported Desktop major release to another (example: continuing to use Collaborate 5.0 but upgrading from SLIM-Suite 10.1, which is no longer supported in Collaborate 5.0, to 10.2, 10.3, or 10.4).
2. Upgrading from one currently supported Desktop minor (point) release to another (10.4a to 10.4c**).
3. Upgrading from a currently supported Desktop major release (10.1, 10.2, 10.3) to a new major release (10.4 or 11.0)**.
4. Upgrading from a currently supported minor release (10.2a or 10.3a) to a new minor release (10.2b, 10.3c)**.
**Note: with the exception of 10.4, these “example”
releases did not exist at the time this document was written and are used for
illustration purposes only.
Scenarios 1, 3, and 4 all require changes to the way your current SLIM-Collaborate site is configured.