SLIM-Collaborate is a web application that runs on a Windows Server operating system, uses Microsoft’s IIS (Internet Information Services) as a web server and SQL Server to communicate with your SLIM-Collaborate database, and presents the user interface (pages, forms, dashboards, grids, etc.) via each user’s web browser. SLIM-Collaborate sites can be QSM hosted, with the back-end infrastructure maintained by QSM, or self-hosted (site infrastructure is hosted and controlled by your organization).
In general, reporting problems to your site
administrator first is the best course of action. The Site Admin can then decide
whether a problem can be addressed in-house or should be reported
to QSM Support. Users of the main production site can use the
SLIM-Collaborate Contact Us form to send questions or problem reports to the
contact designated in the Admin Site’s Contact Form Recipient
The following topics provide information on handling various types of issues users may encounter in SLIM-Collaborate.