Error Handling (Main Site)

Errors are a fact of life when running any application.  While we have made every attempt to handle errors in a consistent and informative way, unhandled exceptions may sometimes occur in SLIM-Collaborate.  If you encounter one of these unhandled exceptions on the main SLIM-Collaborate site, SLIM-Collaborate will display an Error Page like the one shown below:




In the top section of the page, possible causes will be displayed to assist in troubleshooting the problem.  Analyzing this information, along with documenting the actions that immediately preceded the error, may help identify the source of the problem. If the cause is not obvious or you suspect a bug, you should report the issue to your site administrator. 

Depending on the cause of the error, the bottom section of the error page may offer one or both of the following options:


      Notify your site administrator.  Select this option to provide feedback to your administrator regarding how and where the error occurred and optionally, attach an error log.

      Return to the Project List.  Select this option to return to the Project List page.  No further information about the error will be posted.


If the first option is selected, SLIM-Collaborate will display a form for notifying your site administrator.

Use the Notes section of the form to provide information about the specific actions that led to the error. Use the Attach Error Detail Log checkbox to include an error log with more information about the problem.  The log details, combined with specific information about exactly what you were doing (e.g., checking in a project from round trip), can provide useful information to the administrator in tracking down the source and cause of the error.  It is recommended that you use this option whenever you get an error that is unexplained.