The Dashboard User Interface

Whether you’re working with a Project or a Portfolio dashboard, the interface you’ll use to create, display, edit, and save dashboards is very similar. One exception to this general rule is the uncertainty sliders, which are only available on Contingency Dashboards.  For detailed guidance about using uncertainty sliders, see the Understanding Target Probability Contingency and Probability Charts topics in this user guide.


 Description: Graphical user interface, application

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Project and portfolio dashboard pages contain the following elements:

1.  Dashboard Selector.  Above the charts and reports at the center-top of the dashboard, the current dashboard title is displayed in a drop-down combo box. An asterisk before the current dashboard title means the dashboard has changed since it was last saved. Unsaved changes are preserved only until you change dashboards or exit the current dashboard. When switching between the Estimation and Contingency dashboards, you will be prompted to save any unsaved changes.

Click the down arrow to select a different dashboard from the list. As you rest your cursor over each dashboard title, a hover tip displays the dashboard description (if any). Also, icons for editing, deleting, and favoriting the dashboard also appear.  The selection of icons you see depends on the permissions in your default user role.  For example, while you will only see edit or delete icons for Public dashboards if you have permission to edit/delete them, everyone will see the Favorite icon.

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Providing good descriptions for each saved dashboard will help users ‘preview’ items in the list and easily select the best dashboard for various analysis tasks.

2.  Dashboard Name. The current dashboard title displays in the dashboard list (see item 1) and is highlighted in dark blue when the list is expanded. It is also included when charts and reports are printed or exported to Excel and PowerPoint. As asterisk will appear before the dashboard name if there are unsaved changes.

Description: Graphical user interface, text

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

3.  Dashboard Toolbar provides easy access to various dashboard features. Hover tips over each icon display each icon’s function. If no charts have been added to a dashboard, the Save Dashboard icon will be disabled.

4.  Dashboard Window is where charts and reports are displayed.

5.  Estimation/Contingency Toggle. For projects in the Estimation stage only, these large monitor icons toggle the dashboard window to display either the Estimation or Contingency dashboard.