Whitelisting SLIM-Collaborate System Emails


Like most online applications, SLIM-Collaborate sends system emails (emails that originate from the application itself). There are several types of system emails: some are sent automatically when a specified event occurs, and some are initiated by a user action. Examples include:

      Forgotten password requests (sent to requesting user)

      Contact form submissions (sent to Contact Form recipient)

      New account emails (sent to new user)

      Database update required (sent to Reply To email)

      Database down notifications (sent to Reply To email)

      Expired license notifications (sent to Reply To email)

      Notification emails (sent to subscribed users)


Email settings in SLIM-Collaborate are configured on Enterprise Settings page of the Admin site. To enable the sending of system emails, two steps are required:

      Choose an SMTP server – this can be your own mail server, or you can use SLIM-Collaborate’s SMTP server.

      Provide names and email addresses for the Contact Form Recipient, Notifications Emails, and a Reply-to contact and email for users to respond to system emails.

For many organizations, the best choice for an SMTP server will be one controlled and configured by your organization. This way, your IT staff have complete control over the server configuration and can ensure that various types of incoming system emails are not blocked by your email server or firewall. For clients who do not wish to use their own SMTP server, SLIM-Collaborate also offers built-in SMTP servers for both QSM hosted and self-hosted sites. 

Because the settings for SLIM-Collaborate’s SMTP servers are hard coded, they cannot be changed by your site administrator.  Moreover, using SLIM-Collaborate’s SMTP servers will require the active assistance of your IT staff, who will need to whitelist the email addresses and/or add them to a safe senders list to ensure that incoming emails from SLIM-Collaborate are not blocked by your email security system.

The following information is provided to assist users who opt to use the SLIM-Collaborate SMTP server.