Viewing, Editing, or Deleting Logged Solutions

To view or edit solution log contents, select Solution Log (book) icon from the Project toolbar. A list of all logged solutions will appear. From this list, you can edit the solution name, notes, or workflow status (Edit pencil icon), delete solutions you no longer need from the log (trash can icon), and make a logged solution current (arrow icon). Making a logged solution current displays that solution on all dashboard charts and reports as the Current solution, replacing the previously displayed solution.

The optional  Workflow Status field reflects the solution’s status at the time it was last logged. You can edit the log to update the solution status as various solutions progress through your organization’s defined workflow stages. This field can be helpful in signaling to other team members that a solution needs review, additional inputs, or approval by management. It can also act as a signal to launch calls to an external application if your site administrator has configured one or more external calls.  See the Solution Workflow status (project settings chapter) and Solution Workflow Status (admin chapter)   sections of this user guide for more information about setting up and using the Workflow status field. 



Generally, it is best to document solutions as they are logged. Providing brief, meaningful, and easily distinguishable solution names and enough notes to help you or other team members understand the assumptions or goals and easily identify solutions on the Comparison Solution icon in the dashboard toolbar is highly recommended. 


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