Skills Availability

Because skills calculations require specific configuration settings at both the project and site level, the ability to create a new Skills chart is only available when working with a correctly configured project and site.  If the current project and/or site are not configured for skills, Skills and Skills Breakout options will not be visible in the Chart Types control for Estimation dashboard charts.  If both the site and project are configured to generate skills data but Skills Breakouts are turned off, skills charts will display a “No data to display” banner. To see the prerequisite conditions for breaking out skills, see the Prerequisites for Displaying Skills Data of the SLIM on the Server chapter in this user guide.

Note: due to slight differences between the way rate values and displayed and computed in SLIM-Collaborate vs. SLIM-Suite desktop applications, you may notice minor variations in reported monthly rate values between skills reports exported from SLIM-Collaborate and comparable reports exported from SLIM-Suite desktop applications.  In most cases, the difference between the two methods is negligible, except for very short phases or phases where the peak occurs during a partial month.