Sizing Tab

The Sizing tab gathers all information used to estimate and measure project size in one place.  In SLIM-Collaborate, it’s important to understand what is meant by “size”. What you are trying to estimate is not schedule, effort, or cost but the actual functionality implemented and delivered by the project.

The most intuitive way to think about project size is lines of code or elementary programming steps (base size units) required to transform user requirements (“I want to create an airline reservation, print a boarding pass, and record this information in a database accessible over the Internet”) into the user interface and back end software that performs these tasks. You can use any sizing component (base size units, function points, requirements, etc.) that is practical for the work you will be performing and the information you have on hand at the time estimates are required.  If the estimate is needed early on before the requirements are fully known, you will likely use an abstract sizing method like sizing by analogy (comparing the anticipated scope to a similar completed project or projects whose size is known). Though such estimates are “rough order of magnitude” ones, they are useful and can be refined later on when more data is available. If you have requirements documents or perhaps your Agile team has identified and sized user stories, you may use a sizing component like Requirements, Stories, or Story Points.  The trick is to match the size method to what you know or can reasonably infer at the time the estimate is needed.

SLIM-Collaborate provides some guidance in selecting a size method. For the Feasibility solution method, SLIM-Collaborate automatically selects the Size Bin method and uses a Medium size bin. If you know very little about the proposed system, assuming it is “average sized” or selecting a smaller or larger bin based on intuition or experience is enough to get you into the right “ballpark” on size.  Later, you can revisit the size estimate and change to a more detailed size method by selecting another option from the dropdown.