Project And Template Settings Tabs

The data entry tabs for templates, estimation projects, and closeout projects group related data onto 4 or 5 tabs. With a few minor exceptions (noted below) the data entry fields on each tab are consistent across lifecycle stages and between projects and templates:


      Project Settings tab.  The project settings tabs group fields used to fill out high-level information such as the project or template name, benchmark trend group, accounting, other costs (projects only), reliability, and configuration group settings, active lifecycle phases (projects only), skills flag (templates and estimation projects only) and function unit (size) fields (templates only). Most settings on the Project Settings tab are global – meaning they apply to all solutions, if the project is in the Estimation stage.  Though most project settings are descriptive in nature, numeric fields used to calculate cost and development productivity rates (person hours per month, project labor rate, monetary unit, conversion rate to U.S. dollars, and other project costs) are also set from this tab. Note: the other project costs field is only available for estimation and closeout projects – the settings for templates do not include other project costs.

 Description: Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated


      Assumptions Tab (estimation projects only).  The assumptions tab is where you can choose an estimate solution method and enter the inputs required to generate an estimate solution. The fields on this tab are solution-level fields. Unlike the global fields on the project settings tab, changes to any field apply only to the solution you are currently working with. Logged solutions can have different inputs and solution methods. A unique feature of the Assumptions tab is that the input fields on the right-hand side of the tab update dynamically as you select different solution methods. This is because different solution methods require different inputs (goals or assumptions).

      Actual Data Tab (closeout projects only). Once a project completes and is put into production, the closeout service provides a streamlined way to capture actual schedule, effort, and quality performance data and benchmark project performance against your own or QSM industry trends.


      Sizing or Sizing Unit Tab. These tabs allow you to configure the project or template’s functional size unit and gearing factor and – for estimation projects – choose a sizing method.



      Description Tab. This tab contains descriptive data (mostly text fields) used to document important project characteristics. Fields on this tab are often used to classify and sort the projects in your portfolio into relevant subsets for analysis, estimate calibration, and benchmarking.

      Access Tab. These settings control access to SLIM-Collaborate data at the individual project level. Block access can be granted by OBS Node (to users assigned to each node), or individual users can be granted access via the User Access list, where users with sufficient permissions can override the generic permissions granted to various users by role with respect to the current project. For example, if the selected user’s default grants full access (view, edit, advance, log) permissions to the Estimation service but you set his project-level access to the project to View, he will not be able to view or edit project settings or data. Users with View only access can use the project dashboard’s charts and reports to review and assess project status. The only difference between the fields available on project and template Access tabs is that projects can be made private (restricted access) by the person with Primary Responsibility.  This setting is not available for templates.