Preparing Closeout Projects for Benchmarking

Before you can begin benchmarking analysis for projects in the Closeout stage, it is imperative that the information provided on the Actual Data and Project Settings tabs for the project reflect final, actual data (not estimated values advanced from the Estimation service).  If your project was imported from SLIM-DataManager (and validated before import to ensure only completed project data is approved for import), that is likely already the case.  But if your project was advanced from the Estimation stage, you should make sure that the project’s size, schedule, effort, staffing, and quality data have been updated since the project was advanced and verify that the “estimated” data advanced have been replaced with final, actual performance data (phase start/end dates, effort, size, and defects).  For more information, see the Benchmarking with Closeout Dashboards topic in this user guide.

The Solution Workflow Status field can be used to mark projects that are ready for benchmarking analysis and exclude projects that still contain estimated metric values rather than true closeout data.