
The Primary Language field allows projects to specify the Primary Language used for product development. This field is set on the Description tab of the Edit Project or Edit Template tabbed dialog. Because the QSM default selection values for this field are used to collect and stratify industry data in the QSM database, they cannot be renamed or deleted from the Lookup table.  They can, however, be made inactive (unavailable for selection) by unchecking the “Include” checkbox and custom selection items can be added to the table.  The Primary Language field has no counterpart in SLIM-Estimate, but values set for Closeout projects will be preserved during data exchange with SLIM-DataManager. Custom language selection values that are “in use” (selected by one or more projects), will be added to the list of selection values available in SLIM-DataManager database files exported from SLIM-Collaborate.  For more information on how Primary Language data is handled on export, see the Merging Language Data topic in the Back Office section of this user guide.