Merging Language Data

Though language data is captured by both DataManager and Collaborate, there are a few differences in how it is handled by the two tools:


      Collaborate stores just a single language for each project, DataManager can store multiple languages.

      DataManager allows the user to enter a “% of total” for each recorded language. This field is used to calculate the Primary Language for the project (simply the language with the highest % of total of the languages listed). If two languages have the same (highest) percentages, the first one listed becomes the primary language.  Languages with no percentage, even if they are the only language recorded for the project, will not be designated as the primary language.


On export, the following rules apply:


      Collaborate project has no language data: no changes are made to a matching DataManager record. If it already contained language data, it is NOT overwritten.

      Collaborate project has a language, but the matching DataManager record has no languages with percentages: the Collaborate language is added (if it’s not already there) and moved to the first language slot.

      Collaborate project has a language, and the matching DataManager record has one or more languages with percentages: If the primary language from Collaborate is among the DM language with highest percentage (thus a candidate for Primary Language in DataManager), then we make it “first”, so it is the primary language in DataManager.

      Collaborate project has a language, the matching DataManager record has one or more languages with percentages, but the Collaborate language is NOT the one with the highest percentage in DataManager: no change is made to DataManager, but a note is added to the Export report to indicate a conflict in the primary language data. The database manager or Back Office administrator can then investigate and resolve the conflict by editing one or both records.