Create New from Existing Project

To create a new project based on settings from an existing project from your portfolio, select the project you want to use as a configuration source, then use the Create New Project icon.


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Creating a new from an existing project is slightly different than cloning a project.  While cloning creates an exact copy of the selected project (including logged solutions for estimates or actual data for closeout projects), creating a new project from an existing one transfers only the base project’s settings.  To allow you to enter your own solution or actual data, solution data unique to the original project is removed.

As with the Create Project from Template icon, you’ll need to specify the stage (Feasibility, Estimate, or Closeout) for the new project you wish to create. Selected configuration settings for the project are displayed in the Configuration Details section of the dialog.


Description: A screenshot of a project

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For more detailed guidance on creating and configuring new projects, see the Estimation Assumptions and Entering or Editing Project Actuals topics.