What Constitutes a Match?

How does the export function identify matching projects in DataManager?   The following three tests are used:


1.  The project in the .smp target database contains an External ID that matches a project in SLIM-Collaborate.  A unique External ID is assigned to projects created in Collaborate. Projects in DataManager with matching External IDs have previously been exported from Collaborate.

2.  The project in the .smp target database contains a PID (a unique, hidden identifier in SLIM-DataManager) that matches one or more SLIM-Collaborate projects previously imported from SLIM-DataManager and the Phase 3 Start Dates match. If the phase 3 start date in DataManager is null (empty), but the Phase 3 End date matches, this counts as a match. If both start and end dates in DataManager are null but the PIDs are identical, no match will be found.

3.  The Project name and Phase 3 Start Date match.  If the phase 3 start date in DataManager is null (empty), but the Phase 3 End date matches, this counts as a match. If both start and end dates in DataManager are null but the project names are identical, no match will be found.


If any one of these tests succeeds and a single match is found, the remaining tests are not tried: the matching records are merged.  If multiple matching projects are found, the Closeout record is SKIPPED (not exported) and a message to that effect is posted to the Export report.  If no match found, the (new-to-DataManager) Closeout project is added to the merged database.