Viewing and Adding Notes

Notes are a great way to document changes to the project or observations about various solutions. They can also be used to create a chronological audit trail for all actions performed on the project. To create a note, click the Project Notes button in the project toolbar and type in the desired text. Your note will be augmented with your username and the date and time and added to a running list of all notes added to the project by various users.

An email with details about the note will automatically be sent to any user with access to the project who has subscribed to Solution Note emails.  See the section on Notifications Email Settings for more information about receiving email notifications when projects are advanced, notes are added to a project, or the solution workflow status changes.  Email notifications are set in the Preferences for each individual SLIM-Collaborate user on an “opt in/opt out” basis.


All users, regardless of permission level, can add notes to Estimation service solutions they have access to. Notes are also visible to anyone with project access but cannot be edited or deleted.