User Preferences and Logout

The User Preferences menu item consolidates options related to your user account under a compact icon and drop-down menu.  From here, you can log out of SLIM-Collaborate, view or manage settings for your user account, and opt in or out of email notifications. To see the drop-down menu, just click the User Preferences icon (below). Click again to make the menu disappear.


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The LogOff User menu item terminates the current SLIM-Collaborate session.  When you log out, any unsaved changes to the project list (filtering, sorting, or grouping) or your current page will be lost.

Use the Manage Account submenu item to view your OBS assignments and default role, reset your login password, or edit the name, phone number, or email address associated with your user profile (note: changing the email address may - depending on your account settings and your site’s authentication method - update the username used to log in to SLIM-Collaborate). Finally, Email Preferences controls the types of email notifications you wish to receive when projects you have access to are updated.