Trend Overview

Trends (and trend groups) are sets of stored regression trend lines and statistics calculated from a sample (group) of projects that share one or more characteristics.  So, for example, the QSM Business trends are calculated from a large sample of recently completed IT projects submitted to the QSM database.  The QSM Business Agile trends come from a subset of IT projects developed using Agile methods.  SLIM-Collaborate uses trends to perform several important tasks:

      To create trend-based (Balanced Risk and Trend Based Solution method) estimates that reflect average schedule and effort performance, relative to the project’s chosen trend group.

      To provide trend-based inputs for estimates (PI and size bins, phase tuning).

      To calculate risk assessments for various metrics, relative to the project’s chosen trend group.

      To provide visual benchmarks and five-star assessments on project or portfolio dashboards.


Like templates and configuration sets, trends are maintained on a separate page accessed via the Back Office menu (Back Office | Trend Management).  This page is accessible only by users with full access to the Back Office service in their default role.