Trend Group (Version)

This read only field displays the Trend group name, version, and a special character (#) if the trend group is the default version of that trend group. The Trend Group Version is set in the SLIM-Metrics workbook used to create the trend.  QSM trend version information denotes the year the trends are published, but you can use any name or version format that makes sense for your organization.  The hash sign (#) indicates that a given trend group is currently set as the default version. The default version feature provides logic for handling multiple versions of a single group.  This is probably easiest to understand by illustration. Let’s say that when you set up your site, you made both QSM Business 2017 and 2023 trends available for selection by Collaborate users but designated the 2017 trends as the default QSM Business Trend version.

Later, you upload QSM Business 2023 trends and set them as the (new) default QSM Business trend version:

      New projects created from templates configured to use the default trend version will automatically point to the (new default) QSM Business 2023 trends.

      When existing projects configured to use the default trend version are opened or edited, they will display a prompt alerting users that there is a new default version of the trend and asking them whether they wish to update the project to the new default version:

      New projects created from templates set up to use a specified trend group (say, QSM Business 2017) will point to the trend version specified (they are not affected when the default trend version changes).