Trend Group Version

Because both QSM industry trends and custom trends are typically refreshed with new data as it becomes available, it is possible to end up with multiple versions of the same trend group (Example: QSM All Systems 2017 and 2023) in SLIM-Collaborate. When this happens, the Back Office administrator can designate a Default Trend Group Version – usually the most recent one – to be used when creating new projects. For older projects, an older (contemporaneous) trend group may provide a more appropriate benchmark.

Use the radio button options on the Import Template dialog to link your template to either the Default or a Specified Trend Group version. Unless your template requires a particular trend version, most times you will want to link imported templates to the Default version of the selected trend group.  This way, the template will automatically update to the latest trend version when updates are made available.

For a more detailed discussion of this topic, see the Trend Groups topic in this user guide.