Templates and Configuration Sets

When a template is uploaded, Phase, Milestone, Reliability, and Sizing by Decomposition data is grouped into configuration sets and compared with the config sets already present in SLIM-Collaborate. If an existing configuration set matches the settings in your template exactly, it will be used by the new template.  This prevents duplicate configuration sets from being added to SLIM-Collaborate.

On import, configuration sets take their default names from the project name field in your SLIM-Estimate workbook. Editing the Project Name in your SLIM-Estimate workbook prior to import will help ensure that template and configuration set names are both brief and meaningful. For example, let’s say you have a workbook file with a project name of ‘Project 2513’.  If Template Name (optional) is left blank, the template and associated configuration sets will be named ‘Project 2513’ (Project 2513 Phases, etc.). A more generic name that tells the user how the template is to be used, (or fits the type of project it models) will make templates and configuration sets more useful.  In a multi-user environment, names like Minor Enhancement or Cloud Migration convey more useful information than names like “Project 2513”.

Be aware that each imported template has the potential to create up to four new configuration sets, so careful planning is needed. Once created, existing configuration sets can be reused and applied to new templates and projects, but the creation of duplicate or unneeded configuration sets produces overly long selection lists that are difficult and confusing for SLIM-Collaborate users. For this reason, it is best to limit template imports to truly distinct project/application types.

New templates can easily be created in SLIM-Collaborate by editing one of the “primary” templates in your portfolio, applying one or more existing configuration sets or making other necessary changes, then saving the template under a new name.

Keep your template repository small and relevant to the type of projects developed in your organization.  QSM has provided an extensive set of templates, and we encourage you to download and modify them as needed. To see a list of downloadable QSM templates, select Back Office | Template Management or | Configuration Set Management from the menu and click the Download QSM template workbooks link.