Step 2: Update SLIM-Collaborate Enterprise Settings

1.  If you have not already done so, select Customize… | Enterprise Settings from the Admin site menu.  Pull down the Default Seed Workbook Version dropdown and select the desktop version currently used by your organization. This step tells SLIM-Collaborate which workbook version to use when exporting closeout projects to the desktop.   If you did not upgrade the desktop, the current value should not need to be changed. 

2.  If your site is hosted by QSM and you use SLIM-on-the-Server, all currently supported server versions of SLIM-Estimate are provided automatically, and no further action is needed here.

3.  If your organization self-hosts SLIM-Collaborate (and you use the SLIM-on-the-server functionality), verify that the SLIM-Estimate version currently installed on your Collaborate web server appears in the Default Seed Workbook Version list of supported desktop versions. If you are not changing the desktop version, no further action should be required (the SLIM on the Server version already matches the SLIM desktop version used by your organization).  If you are upgrading to a new major release of SLIM-Estimate, you will need to install the new release on your Collaborate web server and update the Enterprise settings in SLIM-Collaborate accordingly.

a.  On the SLIM-Collaborate web server, upgrade the installed version of SLIM-Estimate to the new version.  Contact QSM for SLIM on the Server upgrade instructions, questions, or help with the upgrade.

b.  Select Customize… | Enterprise Settings from the Admin site menu.  In the SLIM-Suite Installation section, enter the path to the newly installed version of SLIM-Estimate, then click the Save Changes button.  Make sure you use the special SLIM-Estimate license codes, created for use with SLIM-Collaborate and the version of SLIM-Estimate you are upgrading to.