Solution Types

When you fill in all solution inputs and click the Calculate button, SLIM-Collaborate creates two solutions:


      The Current solution is based on your solution inputs (start date, PI, size, phase tuning settings from your phase configuration set or from the trend group associated with the project, and a single constraint).

      The Balanced Risk solution is based on your size and average phase 3 time and effort from your primary trend group. Schedule (total months available) and effort estimates are drawn from the trend group specified in the Project Settings at your estimated size.


There are other types of solutions you should be aware of:


      Logged solutions. These are solutions previously added to the solution log.

      Comparison solutions. By default, the current solution is always compared to the Balanced Risk solution on charts and in the project summary panel. But you can replace the Balanced Risk solution with any logged solution and compare it to your current solution.

      Historical solutions.  You can select a single saved Public project list filter to display relevant completed (Closeout) projects on all trend charts configured to display comparison solutions. Validating estimation and planning alternatives against your completed projects is a great way to ensure that productivity, staffing, and schedule assumptions are in line with your demonstrated performance on actual projects.

      Contingency solutions. This is a special type of solution that can only be created and viewed from the Contingency Dashboard (projects in the estimation stage only).  Contingency solutions cannot be added to the solution log – they consist of the current estimation solution, with an amount of additional management reserve (risk buffer) determined by the selected contingency profile on a contingency dashboard chart or report.