SLIM-Suite Installation

This group box only appears for self-hosted sites. If your site is QSM Hosted, you can disregard this section of the documentation.  Initially, the label text in this section prompts you to supply the location where SLIM-Estimate is installed on your SLIM-Collaborate web server.

Once SLIM-Estimate is installed, click the tunnel button (…) in the SLIM-Suite Installation group box to enter the path to SLIM-Estimate. Once the path is entered, click OK to exit the dialog:




If the path is correct and SLIM-Collaborate detects a supported version of SLIM-Estimate in the directory, the path and SLIM-Estimate version will be displayed in the SLIM-Suite Installation section:




If SLIM-Collaborate cannot find SLIM-Estimate using the path provided, you will see a “Directory Not Found” or SLIM-Estimate not installed message below the path name you provided.