Size Bin Calculations

Calculation of the size bins used for each trend group in the Size Bin” sizing technique works as follows:

1.  Size ranges for the 6 size bins (Very Small, Small, Medium, Medium Large, Large, and Very Large) are determined from the size statistics contained in each trend group, so they will reflect the range of project sizes in the sample used to create the trend.

2.  The Min and Max size from the trend group become the low value of the Very Small and high value for Very Large, respectively.

3.  The Min-Max range is divided into 6 bins using default percentages stored in SLIM-Collaborate.


There may be situations where project teams want to narrow the range of project sizes used to calculate the size bins (perhaps excluding extremely small or large project sizes from the bin calculation).  By editing the Min, Max, and bin percentages, the Back Office administrator can tailor the overall size range and bin widths to the needs of the enterprise.