Setting the Stage

A Back Office administrator’s job is like that of a stage manager in a theatrical production. Stage managers make sure everyone has the right props and is in the right place during each scene. They prompt actors who need a little assistance with their lines, choreograph set and costume changes, and coordinate with the lighting crew.

Like a stage production, the streamlined sharing of project information in SLIM-Collaborate requires skillful management.  Typically, this management function is performed by one or more experienced SLIM-Suite users who understand all phases of the project lifecycle. These users – Back Office administrators - create and maintain preconfigured project building blocks that help stakeholders perform software lifecycle tasks quickly and efficiently, with minimal information.

The Back Office administrator performs the following duties:

      Works with the Site Administrator to configure appropriate site and project settings for various project types.

      Designs and promotes consistent sizing techniques.

      Imports and manages configuration sets, templates, and reference trends.

      Creates and manages public filters, dashboards, and contingency profiles.

      Populates the portfolio by uploading estimates and completed (closeout) projects from SLIM-Estimate and SLIM-DataManager (SLIM-Suite desktop applications).

      Exports Closeout projects to SLIM-DataManager to support advanced data analysis and custom trend creation in SLIM-Metrics.

      Makes advanced SLIM-Estimate features available to Estimation Service users via Round Trip data exchange.