Removing Users from a Node

To decouple a node from its assigned users, select OBS | OBS User Assignments from the menu or select the node and use the User Assignments link. Select the desired node to see a list of all users assigned to that node. Clicking each user link brings up that associated User Profile, allowing you to either delete the current value in the OBS Assigned field or reassign the user to another OBS node. Use the Update User Profile button to save your changes.  Repeat this process for all users assigned to the node. Once there are zero users assigned to the selected OBS node, it can be safely deleted from the OBS.

Individual projects and templates can also be linked to OBS nodes.  To remove these links, a user with sufficient privileges must edit the project or template in the Collaborate main application. Once there are zero users and zero projects/templates assigned to the selected OBS node, it can be safely deleted from the OBS.

The Remove All OBS Assignments button will remove all assigned users from the selected OBS node.