Questions and Technical Support


Even with the best training, manuals, and online help we can provide, you may have questions from time to time.  That's why QSM offers free e-mail and telephone support as part of your annual license.


Free Telephone and

E-mail Support

Technical support representatives are available from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, Monday – Friday (except holidays).  Faxes, e-mails, and voice mail messages will be answered the same day under normal circumstances.






1 800 424 6755


1 703 749 3795


The QSM web site, is another resource for both new and experienced SLIM tool users.  Support resources include:


      The Support page: one-stop shopping for FAQ's, templates, links to other resources. 

      A searchable Frequently Asked Questions section provides support outside of normal business hours and serves as an additional reference.  This area is for QSM clients only - register for access passwords on the main support page.

      The Articles & Papers page contains articles and research from the QSM database as well as useful whitepapers.

      The QSM Support Library contains quick reference guides, how-to papers, and sample templates by category of interest.

      SLIM-Suite Video Tutorials: View short Video Tutorials on how to use and apply a variety of tool features.


You can also contact QSM support, get training schedules and course outlines, and learn about recent developments at QSM.