QSM Reference Trend Descriptions


Trend Group


QSM All Systems

The QSM All Systems trend group includes software of all application types.  It should be used for comparison purposes only when no knowledge of a project's basic application is available.

QSM Microcode

The QSM Microcode trend group describes software generally burned into silicon and delivered as part of a hardware product.   Examples include boot ROMs, fundamental instruction set for a computer architecture, controllers for microwave ovens and other instrumentation.

QSM Real Time

The QSM Real Time trends incorporate interrupt-driven software that must operate close to the processing limits of the CPU.  It is often written in C, Ada or Assembly language. Typical examples are military systems like radar, signal processors, and missile guidance systems.

QSM Avionic

The QSM Avionic trends incorporate software that is on-board and controls the flight and operation of aircraft.

QSM System Software

The QSM System software trends incorporate software that sits between the hardware and applications programs.  Examples are operating systems (DOS, UNIX, VMS, etc.), GUI's (graphical user interfaces, Windows, Xwindows etc.), DBMS systems, network products, and image processing products.


The QSM Command & Control trends describe software that allows humans to manage a dynamic situation and respond in human real time.  Examples are battlefield command systems, telephone network control systems, government disaster response systems, military intelligence systems, and power control systems.

QSM Telecom

The QSM Telecommunications trends include software that facilitates the transmission of information from one physical location to another. Examples are telephone switches, transmission systems, modem communication products, fax communication products, and satellite communications products.

QSM Scientific

The QSM Scientific trends describe software that involves significant computations and scientific analysis.  Examples are statistical analysis systems, graphics products, and data reduction systems and may often be sensor driven with data capture schemes.

QSM Process Control

The QSM Process Control trends incorporate software written to control an automated system.  It is generally sensor driven.  Examples are software that runs a nuclear power plant, or software that runs an oil refinery, or a petrochemical plant.

QSM Business

The QSM Business trends incorporate all software whose primary function is to automate a common business function.  Examples are payroll, financial transactions, personnel, order entry, inventory management, materials handling, web, warranty, and maintenance products.


The QSM REAL TIME GROUP combines Real Time, Avionics, and Microcode application types.


The QSM ENGINEERING GROUP combines Process Control, Command/Control, System Software, Scientific, and Telecom application types.

QSM Business AGILE

The QSM Business AGILE group consists of business (IT) systems developed in an Agile environment.


The QSM Business FINANCIAL group consists of Business (IT) systems developed for the financial industry sector.


The QSM Business GOVERNMENT group consists of business (IT) systems developed for state and federal government clients.

QSM Business WEB

The QSM Business WEB group consists of Business/IT systems deployed on the web.


Infrastructure trends from data center and call center projects.

Integrated Circuit

This trend group describes hardware and its accompanying software generally burned into silicon and delivered as part of a complete hardware product.   Examples include boot ROMs, fundamental instruction set for a computer architecture, controllers for microwave ovens and other instrumentation.

QSM Package Implementation

The QSM Package Implementation group consists of business Enterprise Resource Planning and package implementation projects.


The QSM CLOUD MIGRATION group consists of Business (IT) systems migrated to the cloud using a variety of cloud migration strategies.