
Whether you are a new or experienced SLIM-Collaborate user, this guided tour provides an overview of the estimation and project lifecycle management capabilities of SLIM-Collaborate.  We recommend you recreate each step in SLIM-Collaborate as you read.

The scenario you will be following is that of a systems integration company, Rintell Corporation, bidding on the development of a small records management application.  The proposal team has come up with an initial, goal-based estimate.  As the project manager responsible for delivering on time and within budget, you will use SLIM-Collaborate to create and refine an estimate, assess the risks, share your results, and get feedback from other stakeholders.  By working through this scenario, you will learn how to:


      Use the Feasibility solution method to assess the reasonableness of the proposal team’s bid against industry performance data.

      Refine the initial estimate to include a detailed size estimate and project environment metrics.

      Explore alternative outcomes and use the Project Dashboard to compare them, assess the relative risks, and present a recommended solution.

      Use custom workflow tags and project notes to keep stakeholders informed and gain the necessary approvals.

      Close out the project once it has completed by entering actual metric data and benchmarking the project’s performance against industry data.

      Analyze past and present project cost, schedule, performance, and demographic data using the Portfolio Dashboard.


SLIM-Collaborate’s sandbox site and database provide the user profiles, project access settings, and configuration data required to work through the guided tour.  Contact QSM Support to register for the SLIM-Collaborate Guided Tour training module and you will be assigned a training site you can use to work through the use scenarios presented.

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