Public/Private Radio Buttons

Use these radio buttons to select the appropriate sharing status for saved dashboards.


      Private dashboards are only visible to the dashboard creator. 

      Public dashboards are visible to all users but can only be created or saved by users with sufficient permissions (Manage Projects, Back Office, or Manage Site) in their default user role. 


Note that the options you see will depend on your default role: if you are logged in with a role that contains Manage Project, Back Office, or Manage Site permissions, you will be able to create or save both public and private dashboards. Users without Manage Project, Back Office, or Manage Site permissions can only save Private dashboards.  If you do not have permission to save over existing Public dashboards, for example, the Public radio button will be disabled and you will not have the Update Existing option in the Save Dashboards dialog. 


Description: Graphical user interface, text, application

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For more information, see the Dashboard Permissions Matrix topic in this user guide.