Project Status

The Project Status field documents the current state of the data entered for the project. This field is particularly important for Closeout projects, as the estimated schedule, size, effort, and defect information advanced from projects in the estimation stage should NOT be used for performance benchmarking (because it reflects “what was estimated or planned” rather than “what actually happened”).  Use this field to identify projects still in need of actual closeout data, or filter closeout projects on the project list to exclude projects that don’t yet have final, actual performance data before using the benchmarking charts and reports on the Portfolio dashboard.

When updating this field, choose the value that best reflects the current state of data on the Actual data tab: 

      Estimate - The data is estimated (Note – data for projects just advanced from the Estimation stage will reflect estimated, not actual performance). Estimated data should be replaced with project actuals as soon as possible, and the project status should be updated to Completed.

      In Progress - The collected data contains partial actual data.

      Completed - The collected data contains complete and final actual data from a completed project.


The project Status field is distinct from the Workflow Status field on the Project Settings tab of the Edit Closeout project dialog. The Workflow Status field will be visible only if your Site Admin has defined one or more workflow statuses for your SLIM-Collaborate site.  See the Solution Workflow Status topic for more information on the workflow status field.