Printing and Exporting Overview

Outputs from SLIM-Collaborate can be copied to your clipboard and pasted into other applications, exported to PDF format for printing, or exported to other applications in several ways:

      Dashboards (Contingency, Estimation, Closeout, or Portfolio) can be exported to PDF file format for printing or electronic data exchange, exported to Microsoft PowerPoint, or exported to Microsoft Excel (text reports only).

      Grids and lists can be exported to Excel (Project List, Filter Management, and Dashboard Management pages only) or CSV format for use with applications like Microsoft Excel.  Click the CSV or Export to Excel button near the top of the grid.  Wait until you are prompted to save the exported file.  Note:  The export will export all items, even if only some of them are displayed at the current page or grid scrollbar position.  For large lists, this may take a few minutes.

The following sections describe each of these options in more detail.