Preparing Source Files for Import

Before uploading SLIM-Estimate or SLIM-DataManager workbooks to Collaborate, take a few moments to ensure that the global options in your source workbooks are consistent with the settings in your SLIM-Collaborate site:


      Effort. Effort in source files should be set to person hours. For SLIM-DataManager files, set the Global Default effort unit to person hours. Individual project records with effort in other effort units will be converted using the project level person hours per person month setting.  SLIM-Estimate workbooks should have PHRS in the Global Options.

      Cost. The monetary unit in your source files should match the global monetary unit in SLIM-Collaborate. For SLIM-Estimate files, make sure the monetary unit in the Global Options is set to match the site wide monetary unit in Collaborate. If you change this field, you may need to also convert the labor rate units on the Accounting tab of the solution assumptions dialog accordingly.

For SLIM-DataManager files, set the Global Default monetary unit to match the global monetary unit in Collaborate. Individual project cost records will be converted using the conversion to US value at the individual project level. If no conversion to US value is provided (and the global monetary unit is U.S. dollars) the global conversion value will be used.

      Function Units. If your projects are sized in function units that are not currently defined and available in the Function Units lookup table for your site, you may wish to contact the Site Administrator to have the missing function units added to the table before importing. New function units will be added to the look up table and the Validate flag will be unchecked to alert the Site Administrator to review their status and decide whether they should be made unavailable for selection by other projects. The default gearing factor for each new function unit added to the lookup table will match that of the first imported project record from the imported source file.

      Keywords. Keywords in version 10.1 and above files will be imported. You can limit the imported keywords to just those used by the projects you are importing or import the entire set of keywords defined in the source database.